“Iceman” Wim Hof Method

Remarkable results after investigation “Iceman” Wim Hof
In the UMC have professor of experimental critical care medicine prof. Dr. Peter Pick Cherry and his team studied “Iceman” Wim Hof. Court says he, through meditation and concentration, can influence his autonomic nervous system and thus can suppress the responses of his immune system.

The results of the study at Court are notable, but the researchers emphasize that this is an experiment with only one person. This is insufficient as scientific evidence for the hypothesis that the autonomic nervous system and the immune response to consciously influence his. Further studies with multiple meditating subjects is necessary.

Investigation of immune response

A well-functioning immune system protects us from viruses and bacteria. However, if the immune system responds overactive, which can cause damage to organs. The immune system is under the influence of the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system is not to consciously influence. Peter Pickkers and PhD student Matthijs Kox investigate the influence of the autonomic nervous system to the immune system.

Pick Cherry: “We need healthy subjects, endotoxin, which is a constituent of the cell wall of dead bacteria. Actually, we keep the body fooled. The immune system reacts as if a living bacterium penetrates and makes inflammatory proteins. Subjects receive this immune response brief flu-like symptoms such as fever, chills and headache. “ The survey is completely safe and have already participated 240 subjects.
Iceman results

“Iceman” Wim Hof, known by its distinctive activities at extremely low temperatures, says he through concentration and meditation can influence his autonomic nervous system and so can suppress immune response. To get there on to know more, is also administered endotoxin at him while he was meditating. Measurements are then made his brain activity, autonomic nervous system and inflammatory proteins in the blood.

Pick Cherry: “We see after the administration of the endotoxin that increases much more strongly the stress hormone cortisol at Court than in other subjects. We know that this stress is released in increased activity of the autonomic nervous system and cortisol that suppresses the immune response. We see in his blood that he produces much less inflammatory proteins. On average, the immune response of Wim Hof ??50 percent lower than other subjects. Moreover, he had almost no flu-like symptoms. These results are certainly remarkable, but can not prove scientifically a finding in one person that meditation can affect the autonomic nervous system and the immune response. Therefore we investigate whether differences in immune responses between a group of people who have learned the concentration method of Wim Hof ??and a group that does not understand the method. “

https://www.radboudumc.nl/OverhetRadboudumc/NieuwsEnMedia/archief/Nieuwsarchief 2011/april2011/Pages/OpmerkelijkeresultatennaonderzoekIcemanWimHof.aspx

El Método de Wim Hof

1) Ponte cómodo y cierra los ojos

Siéntate en una postura de meditación, la que sea más cómoda para ti. Asegúrate de que puedes expandir tus pulmones libremente sin sentir ninguna constricción. Se recomienda hacer esta práctica inmediatamente después de despertarse, ya que su estómago sigue vacío.

2) Calentamiento

Inhala profundamente. Continúa inhalando hasta que sientas una ligera presión desde el interior de tu pecho en el plexo solar. Sostenlo por un momento y luego exhala por completo. Empuja el aire lo más fuerte que puedas. Mantén esto por un momento. Repite esta ronda de calentamiento 15 veces.

3) 30 respiraciones de potencia

Imagina que estas inflando un globo. Inhala por la nariz y exhala por la boca en ráfagas cortas pero potentes. El vientre se jala hacia adentro cuando tu exhalas y se empuja hacia afuera cuando tu inhalas. Mantén un ritmo constante y utiliza tu diafragma completamente. Cierra los ojos y hazlo alrededor de 30 veces o hasta que sientas que tu cuerpo está saturado de oxígeno. Los síntomas pueden ser mareos, sensación de hormigueo en el cuerpo, subidas de tensión de energía.

4) Analiza tu cuerpo (scan)

Durante las 30 respiraciones de potencia, ahonda en tu cuerpo y toma conciencia de él, tanto como te sea posible. Moviliza tu conciencia hacia arriba y abajo de tu cuerpo y usa tu intuición sobre que partes de tu cuerpo carecen de energía y qué partes están saturadas. Analiza en busca de cualquier obstrucción entre ambos. Trata de enviar energía/calor a esos bloqueos. Luego libéralos poco a poco cada vez más. Temblores, traumas y liberaciones emocionales pueden surgir. Se puede comparar a la kundalini ascendente. Siente como todo el cuerpo se llenan de calidez y amor. Siente la negatividad evaporarse y desaparecer. A menudo, las personas dicen ver un torbellino de colores y otras imágenes visuales durante este ejercicio. Una vez que las encuentres, ve con ellas, abrázalas y fusiónate con ellas. Conoce este mundo interior y cómo se relaciona con la sensación de tensión o bloqueos en el cuerpo.

5) Mantenerlo

Después de la rápida sucesión de 30 ciclos de respiración, inhala una vez más y llena los pulmones a su máxima capacidad sin utilizar demasiada fuerza. A continuación, empuje todo el aire hacia fuera y mantenlo durante todo el tiempo que puedas. Baja o contrae la barbilla un poco con el fin de evitar que el aire entre en nuevo. Relájate completamente y abre todos los canales de energía en tu cuerpo. Siente cómo el oxígeno se está extendiendo alrededor de tu cuerpo. Contén la respiración hasta que sientas el reflejo o necesidad de respirar en la parte superior de tu pecho.

6) Recupera el Aliento

Inhala a plena capacidad. Siente la expansión de tu pecho. Suelta cualquier tensión en el plexo solar. Cuando estés completamente lleno, mantén la respiración una vez más. Baja la barbilla al pecho y mantente así durante unos 15 segundos. Observa que puedes dirigir la energía con tu conciencia. Aproveche este tiempo para explorar tu cuerpo y ve donde no hay color o donde hay tensión o bloqueo. Siente los bordes de esta tensión, dirígete hacia ella, mueve la energía hacia este agujero negro. Siente las constricciones evaporarse, los lugares oscuros llenos de luz. Relaja el cuerpo más profundamente medida que avanzas más hacia el interior, deja que todo se vaya. Tu cuerpo sabe mejor que tú. Después de 15 segundos habrás completado la primera ronda. ————————————————————————————————————————–

Inicia esta práctica con una o dos rondas. Trata de hacerlo diario y aumenta dos rondas más en unos días. Después de que te sientas más cómodo con retener tu respiración puedes comenzar a agregar ejercicios y estiramientos. Trabaja un mínimo de 15 minutos o 6 rondas con ejercicios. Puedes hacer esta práctica durante el tiempo que te plazca.

Si sientes mareos o dolor, salir de la postura y recuéstate boca arriba. Respira suavemente de nuevo y da por terminada esta sesión de práctica.

Reserva al menos 5 minutos después de la práctica para relajarte y explorar el cuerpo.


Ejercicio inflar el globo 30 veces

Inhala completamente Exhala completamente y mantenlo hasta que sientas el reflejo de respirar

Inhala completamente y sostenlo durante 10-15 segundos.

Repita hasta que hayas terminado

Toma 5 minutos para relajarte y explorar tu cuerpo

Mejoras extras

Añade flexiones o posturas de yoga
durante el tiempo que estas sosteniendo la respiración hasta que esperes al reflejo de respirar. Date cuenta que eres más fuerte sin aire de lo que normalmente serías si pudieras respirar!

Eleva la energía por la columna vertebral manteniendo la mula bandha, contrae el recto y los órganos sexuales y jala el ombligo hacia adentro, hacia la columna vertebral.

Ponte en posición de cuclillas y haz la respiración de globo. Trata de respirar lejos la quemadura. (siéntate de nuevo al momento de continuar el ciclo, no quieres estar de pie y desmayarte) ve si puedes la energía supere el dolor. No te rindas fácilmente y ve qué tan lejos puede ir si tienes fuerza de voluntad!

La exposición al frío
Después del análisis del cuerpo del ejercicio anterior estás listo para dejar que tu cuerpo abrace el frío. Es muy importante relajarse lo más que pueda, realmente se con el frío, sólo entonces tu cuerpo puede procesar las señales y comenzar la termogénesis. Como dice Wim, “ el frío es su cálido amigo!”

Duchas Frías
Si eres nuevo a la exposición al frío, comienza con duchas de agua fría. Comienza con los pies, luego continua con las piernas, el estómago, los hombros, el cuello, la espalda y finalmente la cabeza. Un shock inicial, escalofríos e hiperventilación son normales. Trata de mantener la calma y respirar con facilidad. Cierra los ojos y realmente trata de abrazar el frío.

Si sientes fuertes incomodidad física, como temblores graves, entumecimiento o dolor, calienta de nuevo tu cuerpo tan pronto como sea posible.

Una vez que esté fuera de la ducha, tomar un momento para hacer otra exploración del cuerpo lenta antes de secarse.

La exposición al frío funciona como el levantamiento de pesas, te haces más fuerte con el tiempo. Hay pequeños músculos que rodean las venas que se contraen cuando están en contacto con el frío. Después de un tiempo (sólo 1-2 semanas según Wim), estos se vuelven más fuertes, haciendo las venas más sana y la reduciendo la fuerza del corazón para bombear sangre alrededor de su cuerpo.

Puedes aumentar la exposición al frio a través del tiempo. En un momento el frío se sentirá tan cómodo como el uso de tu pijama favorito y te puede saltar las duchas calientes por completo. Observe cómo te sientes increíble después de una ducha de agua fría y lento después de una caliente.

Baños de hielo

Después de unas semanas de duchas de agua fría puedes subir la apuesta a un baño de hielo. Obtén 2-3 bolsas de hielo en tu tienda de conveniencia local y ponlos en una bañera medio llena. Espera hasta que alrededor de dos terceras partes del hielo se derritan o hasta que el agua haya alcanzado la temperatura de su deseada (10/12 ° C (50 /59 ° F)). Puedes agregar un par de puños de sal para acelerar este proceso. Al igual que con las duchas de agua fría, trata de relajarte lo más que pueda. Comienza con unos 10 minutos y aumenta la exposición a través del tiempo. Si te siente incómodo o tienes alguna duda, sal. Después de este ejercicio asegúrate de hacer otro escaneo corporal. Es normal que se sientas frío extra después de un pequeño periodo de tiempo después del baño de hielo. Esto se llama el after-drop. Tome un vaso caliente de cacao crudo y mantén la sangre fluyendo tomando un paseo. Te sentirás increíble! —————————————————————————————————————————

Estos ejercicios son muy poderosos cuando se hace constantemente y con intención.


The Wim Hof Method *Revealed* – How to Consciously Control Your Immune System
We previously published an article about Wim Hof, holder of 20 Guinness World Records for withstanding extreme temperatures. He has climbed Everest and Kilimanjaro in only shorts and shoes, stayed comfortably in ice baths for hours, and run a marathon in the desert with no water.
Wim is able to accomplish these feats with ease through the use of ‘The Wim Hof Method’ — a breathing technique that allows you to control the autonomous systems of the body.
However the most earthshaking effect of the Wim Hof method is the ability to consciously control the immune system to fight off any disease. By becoming more in tune with the body, Wim says you can rid yourself of even the most destructive diseases, including AIDS, Multiple Sclerosis, and cancer.
Wim is currently working with a group of university researchers to prove that anyone can do the extraordinary things he does. He’s taking 12 participants who have no prior training, and instructing them over the span of a week. At the end of the week, each participant will be injected with a bacterium than normally causes violent nausea, vomiting and fever for several days. However, with the use of the Wim Hof Method, the participants will feel nothing (Wim previously did this and felt no more than a slight headache).
Wim recently came to do a workshop with the Valhalla Movement team and explained that he wants as many people to know about this as possible. His vision is a world without sickness.
So without further ado, here are the principles of the Wim Hof Method…
(we highly recommend you to take his online course or one of his workshops to fully be able to understand all the ins and outs.)
The Method
The Wim Hof Method is similar to Tummo (inner heat) Meditation and Pranayama (yogic breathing). Yet it is something else entirely. While Wim has studied yoga and meditation for many years, this technique primordially comes from what he terms ‘cold hard nature’. By subjecting himself to the bitter conditions of nature, he learned to withstand the extreme forces of cold, heat and fear. If you learn this method or technique correctly, it will empower you do to the same.
The first part is a breathing exercise which can be likened to controlled hyperventilation. This is, of course, an oxymoron. Hyperventilation is something which happens involuntarily. But just imagine the breathing part, without any of stress triggers that normally cause this way of breathing. The image will consist of rapid breathing that makes one languid, invigorates one, makes one high on oxygen. One mechanism of this practice is the complete oxygenation of your blood and cells.
1) Get comfortable and close your eyes
Sit in a meditation posture, whatever is most comfortable for you. Make sure you can expand your lungs freely without feeling any constriction. It is recommended to do this practice right after waking up since your stomach is still empty.
2) Warm Up
Inhale deeply. Really draw the breath in until you feel a slight pressure from inside your chest on your solar plexus. Hold this for a moment and then exhale completely. Push the air out as much as you can. Hold this for a moment. Repeat this warm up round 15 times.
3) 30 Power Breaths
Imagine you’re blowing up a balloon. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth in short but powerful bursts. The belly is pulled inward when you are breathing out and is pulled outward when you are breathing in. Keep a steady pace and use your midriff fully. Close your eyes and do this around 30 times or until you feel your body is saturated with oxygen. Symptoms could be light-headedness, tingling sensations in the body, electrical surges of energy.
4) Scan your body
During the 30 power breaths, delve into your body and become aware of it as possible. Trace your awareness up and down your body and use your intuition as to what parts lack energy and what parts are overflowing. Scan for any blockage between the two. Try to send energy/warmth to those blockages. Then release them deeper and deeper. Tremors, traumas and emotional releases can come up. It can be likened to kundalini rising. Feel the whole body fill up with warmth and love. Feel the negativity burn away.
Often people report swirling colors and other visual imagery during this exercise.
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Once you encounter them, go into them, embrace them, merge with them. Get to know this inner world and how it correlates to the feeling of tension or blockages in your body.
5) The Hold
After the the 30 rapid succession of breath cycles, draw the breath in once more and fill the lungs to maximum capacity without using too much force. Then push all of the air out and hold for as long as you can. Draw the chin in a bit so as to prevent air from coming in again. Really relax and open all energy channels in your body. Notice how all the oxygen is spreading around in your body. Hold the breath until you experience the gasp reflex on the top of your chest.
6) Recovery Breath
Inhale to full capacity. Feel your chest expanding. Release any tension in the solar plexus. When you are at full capacity, hold the breath once more. Drop the chin to the chest and hold this for around 15 seconds. Notice that you can direct the energy with your awareness. Use this time to scan the body and see where there is no color, tension or blockages. Feel the edges of this tension, go into it, move the energy towards this black hole. Feel the constrictions burning away, the dark places fill with light. Relax the body deeper as you move further inward, let everything go. Your body knows better than you do. After 15 seconds you have completed the first round.

Start this practice with one or two rounds. Try to do it daily and add two more rounds in a few days. After you feel more comfortable with holding your breath you can start to add exercises and stretches. Work up to a minimum of 15 minutes or 6 rounds with exercises. You can do this practice for how long it pleases you.
If you feel dizziness or pain, get out of the posture and lie on your back. Breathe easily again and stop this practice session.
Reserve at least 5 minutes after this practice to relax and scan the body.
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2/12/14 16:58
1. 30timesballoonblowing 2. Breathe in fully 3. Breathoutfullyandholduntilgaspreflex 4. Inhale fully and hold for 10-15 seconds. 5. Repeatuntilfinished 6. Take 5 minutes to relax and scan your body
Bonus Power-ups
Add push-ups or yoga poses
during the time you are holding your breath until you wait for the gasp reflex. Notice that you are stronger without air than you would normally be if you could breathe! Charge the energy up the spine by holding moola banda, contract the rectum & sex organ and pull the navel inward towards the spine.
Stand up in squat position and do the balloon breath. Try to breathe away the burn. (get seated again the moment you continue the cycle, you don’t want to be standing and faint) See if you can get the energy overtake the pain. Don’t give up easily and see how far you can go if you have the willpower!
Cold Exposure
After the body scan of the previous exercise you are ready let your body embrace the cold. It is very important to try to relax as much as you can, really be with the cold, only then can your body process the signals and start thermogenesis. As Wim says, “the cold is your warm friend!
Cold Showers
If you are new to cold exposure, start with cold showers. Begin with your feet and then follow with your legs, your stomach, shoulders, neck and back and finally your head. An initial shock, shivering and hyperventilation is normal. Try to remain calm and breathe easily. Close your eyes and really try to embrace the cold.
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If you feel any strong physical uncomfortableness, like heavy shivering, numbness or pain, get your body warm again as soon as possible.
Once you are out of the shower, take a moment to do another slow body scan before you dry yourself.
Cold exposure works like weight lifting, you get stronger over time. There are little muscles around your veins that contract when they get into contact with the cold. After some time (only 1-2 weeks according to Wim) these become stronger, making your veins healthier and reducing the force that your heart has to use to pump blood around your body.
You can increase exposure over time. At one point the cold will feel just as comfortable as wearing your favorite pajamas and you can skip the warm shower completely. Notice how you feel amazing after a cold shower and sluggish after a warm one.
Ice Baths
After a few weeks of cold showers you can up the ante to an ice bath. Get 2-3 bags of ice at your local convenience store and put them in a half-full bath tub. Wait until around two thirds is melted or that the water has reached your designated temperature (10 / 12 °C (50 / 59 °F)). You can throw in a couple of handfuls of salt to speed up this process.
As with the cold showers, try to relax as much as you can. Start out with around 10 minutes and increase exposure over time. If you feel uncomfortable or in doubt, get out. After this exercise make sure you do another body scan.
It is normal to feel extra cold after a small period of time after the ice bath. This is called the after-drop. Take a hot glass of raw coca and keep your blood flowing by talking a walk. You’ll feel amazing after!

These exercises are extremely powerful when done consistently and with
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intent. Try them and out and report your findings in the comments below! Remember, the cold is your warm friend.

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